How to collect diagnostics for a Cloud Elasticsearch cluster in your Elastic Cloud account

2 min readMar 30, 2020


Step 1: Run Requirements

Make sure you have a 1.8 JDK or greater. It must be a JDK, not a JRE or you will not be able to compile. If you don’t already have Java installed on your workstation, see Java SE Downloads to download the JDK that corresponds to the OS of the local machine on which you intend to run the command for downloading the ES cluster diagnostics. Once you download the JDK, proceed to install it on your local machine as usual.

Step 2: Running the diagnostic utility from the command line

  • Clicking the Support Diagnostics release page. The most recent release will usually be at the top. The most recent certified version will also have a link to the left of it that says: Latest Release.
  • Select the zip file labeled to download the binary files. Do not select the zip or tar files labeled: ‘Source code’. These do not contain compiled runtimes and will generate errors if you attempt to use the scripts contained in them.
  • Unzip the downloaded file into the directory you intend to run from.
  • Change to the support-diagnostic-X.X.X directory and run the following sample command:

./ --host [host] -u [“someuser”] -p [port] --ssl

In my case, my command looks exactly as shown below

./ --host --port 9243 -u “elastic” -p --ssl

You will then be prompted for the password of the user that you stated in the command.

Note: You can retrieve the host by copying the Endpoint URL of your Elasticsearch cluster from your cloud deployment console. The URL would include the application port number that you would use as necessary in the command above. See the following image:

If it all goes well, the last lines of the command output will look similar to the following:

Writing diagnostic manifest.***********************************************************
The elasticsearch user entered: elastic does not appear to have sufficient authorization to access all collected information
Some of the calls may not have completed successfully.
If you are using a custom role please verify that it has the admin role for versions prior to 5.x or the superuser role for subsequent versions.
Closing logger.
Archiving diagnostic results.
Archive: /Users/olamideolajide/support-diagnostics-8.0.3/local-diagnostics-20200330–144439.tar.gz was created
Deleted directory: /Users/olamideolajide/support-diagnostics-8.0.3/local-diagnostics.

You can then navigate to the location of the local-diagnostics-20200330–144439.tar.gz ​file to retrieve it for review or you can send it to Elastic support as necessary.

For more information, please see Elastic support-diagnostics



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